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A Brief Typological Observance: Joseph & Jesus as King and Deliverer of Israel.

Joseph's dreams and His being favored by the Father above his brethren are what drove his brothers (Israel) into jealousy. They [Joseph's brethren] did not want him to rule over them - likewise the sons of Israel did not want Christ to reign over them.

The brothers under the guidance of Judah betrayed their brother into the hands of the Ishmeelites (Gentiles) to avoid blood guilt and to prevent his dream of lording over them to come to pass; Judas (Greek iteration of Heb. Judah) betrayed Jesus into the hands of the Pharisees and them into the hands of the Gentiles (Romans) to avoid blood guilt and to prevent Jesus from lording over them to come to pass.

The exact amount of silver for the price of betrayal is not the emphasis, but the visual symbolics of it is. Both Joseph and Jesus were exchanged for money by Judah/Judas (Hb. Judah). Evil men will desire money (filthy lucre) over their own king and deliverer.

Joseph like Jesus passed the trials of temptations; for Joseph it was concerning Potiphar's wife; for Jesus, it was the manifold temptations by Satan in the wilderness. - Both Joseph and Jesus were sent into the "wilderness" (exiled) for their trials.

Both Jesus and Joseph were thrown into the "pit" - death after being falsely judged as guilty: Joseph to jail & Jesus to the grave.

Both Joseph and Jesus came out of the pit vindicated as a man whom God resides or vindicated: Joseph is recognized by Pharaoh and sat at his right hand to govern Egypt; Jesus is recognized by the Father and sat at his right hand to govern the world.

The world under the rule of Joseph and Jesus go under many judgments - famine which comes about to bring the Jews and Gentiles into repentance and reconciliation.

The brothers who sold Joseph into slavery saw Joseph like one risen from the dead and mourned his coming - came to repentance; The Jews who betrayed Christ to be crucified mourned his appearance of judgment in 70 A.D. - some repented and were spared from judgment by leaving Jerusalem in much the same way that Joseph's brothers left Canaan to go to Egypt for food.

The brothers having repented and reconciled with Joseph - who becomes their intercessor before Pharaoh, bring their families into Egypt (Pharoah's kingdom) into a place prepared for them in Goshen; Those who repent and are reconciled with Jesus - who becomes our mediator before the Father, likewise are welcomed into the Kingdom of God (Father's kingdom) and have an inheritance prepared for us.

Those who have not been reconciled to Joseph/ Jesus find themselves outside of Egypt/Kingdom of the Father - and suffer the famine / judgment. Without Joseph/Jesus' merit and approval, we will find no recommendation before Pharaoh /the Father to reside in His kingdom.

The Jews who read the Gospel accounts will undoubtedly see Joseph in Jesus and therefore the deliverer of Israel that she did not deserve.They would recognize that Jews (Abraham's offspring) needed to be saved in much the same way the very fathers of their tribes needed to be saved from their betrayal of Joseph.

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